
These images show how has Superkb been evolving, newer versions first. There is also a bloopers section at the end.

Version 0.23

ALTA Dell Latitude keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Dell Precision M65 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTAn Everex STEPnote keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTThe generic 104-key PC keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTThe Happy Hacking keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTAn HP Mini 110 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTAn HP Pavilion dv5 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTAn IBM Thinkpad Z60-series keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Keytronic FlexPro keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Kinesis keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Microsoft Natural keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTThe PC-98xx Series keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Sanwa Supply SKB-KG3 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Sun Type 7 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2020 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

ALTA Winbook Model XP5 keyboard painted by Superkb 0.23 using gradients and the FULL_SHAPE painting method.

Version 0.22




Version 0.15

ALTSuperkb 0.15 with its new default colors and its new FLAT_KEY painting method. Notice how the labels for the function keys are painted with a different size.

ALTSuperkb 0.15 with its new default colors and its new FULL_SHAPE painting method. This one uses more information provided by the XKB extension in X to render the full shape of the key.

Version 0.12

ALTSuperkb 0.12 using Mumbles as its feedback handler. Thanks to Alfredo for this screenshot.

ALTThis is Superkb 0.12 using libnotify as its feedback handler. The configuration directive is FEEDBACK_HANDLER “notify-send –urgency normal -t 2000 –icon=‘gtk-info’ Superkb Launching” with that backslash almost at the end. At the KEY entries, if the display text is more than one word, you must quote it”‘like this’" for it to work.

ALTThis is Superkb using OSD as its feedback handler.

ALTThis is the default feedback handler used by Superkb. It’s ugly and look how it is not always on foreground, so you will surely like to set this to something else. I hope to change the default some day.

Version 0.1

ALTHere you can see how Superkb draws a Natural keyboard from Microsoft.

ALTThis black-themed screenshot of version 0.10 was provided by Alfredo. Thanks!

ALTThis is just how new version, 0.10 looks like. (Personally, I like it better than previous versions). It’s running under Ubuntu 6.06 LTS using Imlib2 as icon loader.

Version 0.3

ALTHere you can see how Superkb draws an IBM Thinkpad keyboard. We just added Option “XkbGeometry” “imb_vndr/thinkpad(us)” to xorg.conf in the right section.

Version 0.1

ALTHere you can see how Superkb draws a Natural keyboard from Microsoft.

ALTThis black-themed screenshot of version 0.10 was provided by Alfredo. Thanks!

ALTThis is just how new version, 0.10 looks like. (Personally, I like it better than previous versions). It’s running under Ubuntu 6.06 LTS using Imlib2 as icon loader.

Version proto3

ALTThis shows $HOME/.superkbrc contents…

ALT… which got parsed like this.

Version proto2

ALTThis is what the screen looks while the key is being held down.

ALTThis is what my screen looks before (and after) the key is held down. As Superkb is not triggered, it does not get in your way.

Version proto

ALTThis is what the screen looks while the key is being held down.

ALTThis is what my screen looks before (and after) the key is held down.

Draft (planning stage)

ALTThis what the keyboard was intended to look like. Prepared with Gimp and Inkscape.


ALT(Blooper) This is a current bug in 0.10. I don’t use Xinerama so it never appeared on my system. You can see how it appears divided across the two monitors instead of showing as a whole on each monitor. Thanks to Alfredo for pointing it out.

ALT(Blooper) See the screenshots of 0.3 and before? The background color was hardcoded, it was a guess using numbers just to make it work on my computer. I didn’t make use of XAllocColor so I don’t actually know how I got it working in the first place. This is how it looked on computers other than mine. I kinda expected it, though. Thanks to mic for pointing it out.